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Hosted In Canada is a division of 1529966 AB Ltd, a 100% Canadian business…. Owned and operated by a team of Canadians who are truly committed to “People Friendly, User Friendly” values. We have leading edge technology with a strong commitment to service and quality products. Your personal and business hosting needs will be managed by a creative, independent reliable company. Serving Canadians and the world for over 20 years.

Contact HostedInCanada

HostedInCanada's leasing focus

Based on the datacenterHawk platform


< 250 kW


250 kW - 4 MW


> 4 MW

HostedInCanada's data centers

HostedInCanada has 1 data centers on the datacenterHawk platform.

  • North America

Looking for a colocation partner?

Connect with HostedInCanada to learn about their colocation offerings.