Sejong Networks · IDC Bundang Center
85, Yonggu-daero 2771 beon-gil, Suji-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do
South Korea
Sejong Networks is a telecommunications provider in South Korea. The company was created as the telecommunications business division of SEJONG Telecom, operating one data center with access to both domestic and overseas internet exchanges. Sejong's data center has an earthquake resistant design while having a dual power distribution system. Sejong Networks is headquartered in Seoul, South Korea.
Current status and power pipeline
This facility has been commissioned.
Under Construction
There is no leaseable power under construction.
There are no plans to add additional leaseable power.
Proximity to key digital infrastructure
Location details
- Building
- Connectivity
- Infrastructure
- Compliance
- Services
- Security
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