5 Traits of Successful Data Center Advisors
How the Data Center Advisor can get ahead of the competition in an ever-changing field
By Luke Smith · 1/7/2016

Data center consultants don't have it easy. The data center market always changes, their clients are generally smart, and there is an expectation for them to know a variety of solutions in numerous markets. To be successful, a data center consultant requires a combination of training, market savvy, and hustle.
We recently reviewed characteristics marking the most successful consultants in the industry. Here are the five consistent traits that are most visible:
- They never stop learning – Some individuals decide they've learned everything and believe they are the smartest person in a dumb world. On the contrary, successful advisors continue growing in their skills. Because the data center market changes often, those that take no initiative in learning new technologies, what data center users need, challenges for data center operators, etc., will soon be on the outside looking in
- They value relationships – Despite the importance of the project, successful advisors see the big picture. Transactions get tricky, but realizing the industry is small and you'll see the individuals you're working with again is the right path. In summary, they don't burn bridges
- They answer the why – Albert Einstein said: "Any fool can know. The point is to understand." Data center projects are complex, but a successful data center consultant is able to differentiate various strategies (i.e. colocation, cloud, managed services, etc.) offered and give clients a reason why they would benefit from each choice
- They are visible – There isn't a good excuse today for not being noticed in the market. Opportunities to communicate market expertise are everywhere, and those committed to success leverage these visibility platforms. Many times, quality advisors are stuck behind a company that's too big, too bureaucratic, or too basic to communicate their value to potential clients. And they pay the price
- They ask questions – Successful advisors ask questions, which leads to the very important character trait of listening. Unsuccessful consultants focus on their own agenda and don't spend enough time asking questions, understanding pain points, and adapting services to fit their solutions to the exact need of the client
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